Your maintenance running schedule to stay fit during COVID-19

Your maintenance running schedule to stay fit during COVID-19

We get it, virtual races are not the same as actual races in terms of staying motivated. That's why AI Endurance is introducing a new maintenance running schedule to keep you in shape during the pandemic.

We use AI to create a personalized, optimized training plan that allows you to efficiently maintain your current fitness level to be ready to get back into more serious training when races do return. We have also included this maintenance option into our triathlon and cycling plans.

Staying motivated in a pandemic

Sometimes it is hard to stay motivated now that there are almost no races to look forward to for the foreseeable future due to COVID-19. Many of us rely on that upcoming race that ultimately holds us accountable in our training routine.

So what are we training for? Ultimately, our health and the fun of it. It's a good reminder why most of us are in this amazing sport in the first place. What is not fun is lack of motivation and gradually getting slower as there are not many incentives to push ourselves in training without races.

AI Endurance performance predictions

We've been working hard at AI Endurance to come up with a solution: your AI optimized maintenance mode. Instead of creating a training plan that lets you achieve peak performance on a given (race) day, this option works towards maintaining your current fitness level over the coming months.

How AI Endurance creates your training plan

AI Endurance gives you an edge in optimizing your training to achieve your goals, creating personalized training plans that are driven by your training data and the power of AI. With the time you have available for training it answers questions such as:

Which training gives me the biggest bang for my buck?

Which interval workouts should I do and how many and when?

How much rest should I take between workouts?

When should I do an easy workout?

AI Endurance takes the guesswork out of this exercise and creates a plan that is specific to you, not just a one-size-fits-all plan. The algorithm explores thousands of different combinations of intervals, workout distributions, etc - ultimately looking for the plan that predicts the optimal outcome for you. It can predict the outcome of each training plan because the AI algorithm learns how you individually respond to different types of training based on your past training data.

Maintenance running schedule - AI Endurance

Generally, this optimization works towards maximizing performance for a certain goal event on a certain date. Now, you also have the option to make the AI Endurance algorithm work towards finding the ideal plan that simply maintains your fitness over the coming months. Maintenance mode generally include less hard intervals than a goal event plan and lets you maintain your current fitness level to be ready for more serious training when races come back. It's as simple as that.

Your maintenance running schedule - Getting started

Don't lose the fitness you've gained and try out AI Endurance's new maintenance training plan. Start your free-trial today, no credit card information required!

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